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Rough Board / Co-Op with Plenty of Turnout

Member Type


Number of Horses

Less than 5 horses

Group or Single Turnout

Horses are turned out 2-4 in a group

Amount of Turnout Per Day

Horses spend 24/7 turned out, except for inclement weather

Type of Shelter

Each horse has its own stall

Type of Paddock


Farm Provides

Owner must provide all care

Payment arrangement

Farm charges board

Farm Supervision

Farm has person living on property


No jumps on property


Farm offers laid back environment


United States



Not provided

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Farm Options

Farm has trails

Farm has no riding areas

Farm has bathrooms

Boarders are able to bring in their own instructor

Farm has no professional trainer

Farm is largely adult-only

Rough Board / Co-Op with Plenty of Turnout

Detailed Description

We are a 16 acre farm available for 2-3 horses with care provided by the horse owner in rough board / co-op boarding model. We provide a relaxed yet pampered environment for just a few horses to ensure horses get along well. ✦ Each horse has its own stall with rubber mats and plenty of shavings, but they are allowed to come and go from the barn to the fields as they please. That being said, whenever there is inclement weather or an injury, the horses can be stabled in individual stalls as needed. ✦ We have one large field, as well as 4 large separate paddocks. If all the gates are open, the horses have full rein of all the turnout spaces and access to the barn, but should one paddock be muddy or need rest, they can be closed off. ✦ The barnyard right outside the barn entrance is a small, flat paddock covered with crushed stone and oak wood-chips. It can be closed off in bad footing / inclement weather so the horses have some access to being outside if otherwise it’s unsafe in the rest of the paddocks. ✦ Areas that tend to get more traffic and therefore become more muddy are covered with oak wood-chips for better footing. ✦ We use Spalding Labs fly predators all season long to try to mitigate the fly population. ✦ We have fans running in the barn during the summer and have heated water buckets in the winter. ✦ Hills on the property ensure horses maintain conditioning - great for the retired or rehabbing horse. ✦ We live on-property and we have WiFi cameras in several locations in / on the barn in order to check in on them . Contact: (401) 862-1661 /



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Rough Board / Co-Op with Plenty of Turnout
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